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1: HELP - Disc Brake Conversions FAQ

Model: helpDBC
Brakes are something you need proffessional help and or experience with.  A Printable A4 PDF version here.. and often easier to read:  here  if wanted.  HERE Here are some of the common questions & straight...
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Brakes are something you need proffessional help and or

experience with. 

A Printable A4 PDF version here.. and often easier to read:  here  if wanted.  HERE

Here are some of the common questions & straight forward answers.  It's not a be all and end all.. Brakes are more important then starting.. so do it right.

Remember your not always reliable for a bad paint colour or your stereo not working.. etc.. but you are for your brake system.

(An A4 size  PDF version available if others want to print it or use in club mags etc just contact us plz.)

A PDF printable A4 version here  if wanted.  HERE

A PDF printable A4 version here  if wanted.  HERE





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