Customer service 02 42571230
Often folk call up and ask us to research paint codes.. where to get them .. who locally to them can supply, what's the breakdown of tinters etc etc.. as paint is one part they can't normally legally get out of the US & can be tricky to transport interstate in volumne etc..
There is in Australia no doubt more but one access nationally here is found by looking out for business's who may display a company's logo..... "PPG" .. a large normally blue letters sign on white background.. at various body shops or Automotive paint specialists. PPG has for over 75 years been a supplier of paints to the automotive industry internationally.
Linked below.. you can check on this usefull doubt there is others.. and if you know of more let us know & we can help others with listing the info. Note if your committing it to memory.. "color" is spelt the U.S. way.. not "colour".
Most genuine GM Service manuals also cover the codes too.. like the page below from the 77 Pontiac Service Manual.
There are various brands.. and they use their own use this information as restoration research assistance. Hope it helps.