The Muscle Car Lives® products
Individually artistic desk mats created, coffee mugs, jackets, mouse pads, parking signs & more.
The "Muscle Car" era had its routes in American Automotive designs dating back to the late 50's & while it peaked in the mid 60's to late 70's... it never has really stopped. Many regard these cars were art forms in themselves.. and something that distracts us still in a good way.
..."remember when"..... a happier time perhaps.. less politics .. less politically correct crap & pressure. Just visual & mechancial joy. This is what "The Muscle Car Lives®" Vintage Artwork try's to capture too.
..stuff for the mens sheds, trophy cabinets and bars, a jacket you wear most everyday.
Look out for "The MUSCLE CAR LIVES" Jackets out now too.. easy to wear everywhere.
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