Customer service 02 42571230
LONG time needed and now you can finally get one.. the GM Restoration Parts approved Hood is an excellent pressing.. worth the time to consider the alternatives also due to the expense but not often you can get a perfect panel for this series car..
Note: This is the Impala hood and has the holes down the center for the hood "spear" molding to be fastened to. The Belair hood did not have the hood spear as factory.. but the hoods the same otherwise and you can if you want.. buy the spear and fit it.
STOCK ITEM normally but do sell out... 3 week replenishment time.
Delivery is available.. but we also need to advise you either to pick it up or have us Wood Create Frame the hood.. its takes an average of 32 mtrs of timber and about 3 hrs to do... cost is $132 for that, plus freight plus insurance @ $4 /$100 value.